My clients are substantially better off because their financial advisor is a participating member of NACFA"
~Ron Adams
Fair Oaks, CA
P.S. Below is a letter one of my college planning clients sent to his peers.
Success Stories | |||||||||
"Early in my career I discovered the great personal satisfaction of significantly assisting a client with his financial goals. This involved a process, the cornerstone of which is the axiom: "I will always recommend to a client that which I would recommend to myself if I were in that client’s situation." |
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Achieving that objective involved a two-part process: 1) learning as much as I could about the client’s current status and what he wanted to achieve and 2) my own continuing education so that the solutions I offered to eth needs uncovered in the fact-finding meeting(s) were truly significant. | |||||||||
The tools used to this end included and excellent fact-finder, effective planning software, and presentation formats that captured the client’s imagination and expanded his vision. NACFA has given me all of the above elements required to be successful in the process and to present myself as a useful professional. Not only is NACFA’s leadership a great business partner, but the membership is collegial, readily sharing ideas and procedures that have been effective in their practices. |
My clients are substantially better off because their financial advisor is a participating member of NACFA"
~Ron Adams Fair Oaks, CA P.S. Below is a letter one of my college planning clients sent to his peers.
October 20, 2004
Dear Christian School Educator: As a school administrator, I had become increasingly concerned about how I was going to pay for my children’s college education as they got older. I now have an answer to many of my concerns and questions! After attending Ron Adams’ College Financial Planning Seminar and retaining his services to evaluate my financial picture, I now have a viable game plan to fund the college education of my five children. What was particularly encouraging to me is that, given my parameters, it will be cheaper for me to send my children to a private college or university than to a state or UC school! Additionally, I was feeling overwhelmed with the wide array of schools available and the amount of time it was going to take my family to research and decide on our best options for my oldest child, a high school junior. As a part of his consulting practice, Mr. Adams had my son’s interests, aptitudes, and values assessed which then matched them with a variety of careers, majors, and colleges that could best fill his needs. This saved us an enormous amount of time. What was interesting is that the assessment my son took revealed what I had been telling him for years he would be good at! Furthermore, this service recommended some Christian schools with outstanding programs (that we probably would not have looked into) that will readily match my son’s academic goals. Now my son is much more involved in the college search process! I was so pleased with what Mr. Adams was able to do for my family that we arranged for a special seminar just for our school families. I am already getting feedback from other families about what a blessing this service is becoming for them, too. I heartily recommend, therefore, the services of Mr. Adams as you assist your high school students and their parents in planning for college and figuring out how to pay for it. I believe your guidance counselors will be delighted with this ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions. For the Next Generation, Craig Garbe Headmaster – Cornerstone Christian School
"To Whom It May Concern:
The following are a few thoughts about N.A.C.F.A. (National Association of College Funding Advisors) and its founder, Tim Austin. My experience with the group is that Tim does everything first class, plus he goes out of his way to make sure everyone is treated both fairly and professionally. His willingness and ability to train his producers is outstanding. As a member of N.A.C.F.A’s top producers group I feel privileged to belong and am most appreciative of what it has done to improve both my business and earning power. I would recommend N.A.C.F.A. and Tim Austin without reservation to anyone who wants to be financially successful through the college funding process and at the same time have fun doing it." Sincerely, Ray Murphy New Egypt, NJ
"Dear Tim and the NACFA Staff,
I can’t begin to thank you enough for all the support and training you have provided me and my staff over the last 7 years. You have truly been the biggest key in allowing my company to help over 300 families send their kids to college. Keeping up on all the changes in the college planning process would be nearly impossible without your help. The work you guys do is so unique especially the monthly teleconferences and twice per year conferences. I always take away several ideas that will help the families I work with on each call and meeting. Just last week on a call I learned of a tax strategy that can save clients and extra $1,500/year while their kids are in school. It’s this type of insider knowledge that helps me reduce the amount college will cost the families I advise. I highly recommend any financial advisor or CPA who wants to truly help families figure out how to pay the sky rocketing college costs to join your training organization. The opportunity to meet other dedicated financial professionals and hear what is working within their practice is priceless!" Sincerely, John McCarthy Troy, MI P.S. I thought I would share some feedback one of the families I have worked with gave me. See below.
"My wife and I attended one of National College Funding’s free introductory seminars at our local library, in order to learn more about our options for funding college expenses for our daughter and son. Shortly after the seminar we me with John McCarthy who was invaluable in helping us navigate our way through funding for college, the financial aid process, which included filling out and submission of our first FAFSA form, and ways to minimize our Expected Family Contribution while at the same time mitigating tax impacts.
With John’s expertise and help, my wife and I have been able to fund our daughter and son’s college expenses without worrying about where the money was going to come from. John has always been there for us throughout the past 5 years to promptly answer any questions or concerns that we have had. It is extremely important to know your options and have a solid plan in place to successfully fund your child’s college education! I highly recommend National College Funding to any parents that are navigating the college funding process for the first time." Carl & Becky Thomas Farmington Hills,
"Joining NACFA has literally changed my life and my clients. It has given me a new perspective on what we can do for a client. Through their intensive training and certification it has helped me grow both professionally and personally. Without it, my clients would have not got what they deserved!
Chris Mediate Canfield, OH P.S. I have also included a letter one my clients sent me. See below.
October 21, 2002
Dear Mr. Mediate, This letter of thanks is long overdue and I seriously apologize for that. From the bottom of our hearts we (myself, Mariellen, Mark Jr. and Mary-Jo) want to thank you and your staff for all your have done over the past few years. I do not know where our kids would be at if it were not for you! As I am sure you remember, when Mariellen and I first went to one of your open house workshops, we were at that time working with a so called college planning group located in the Boardman – Poland area. Your expertise in the field of college planning for the kids is top notch and far exceeds what anyone else has done or even suggested that they could do. I am sure that without your help and guidance that Mary Jo would not be attending John Carroll University, let alone at a full scholarship and grant on her tuition. I am pleased to say that we just received a refund from John Carroll in the amount of $63.61, on here almost $30,000 tuition. The work effort and performance on our investment side is unmatched by the many portfolios that we currently have invested with a number of different people. Oh, if I only knew then what I know now from working with you. Recently when I called to inquire on the investment that you are handling, which earned almost 7.0%, I indicated that all of our other investments are in the negative (22% to 46%) during the same time you were able to add to the account that you manage. The way you set up our account, and suggested that we create our other trust accounts under a tax deferred basis, has certainly paid big dividends for our college and retirement planning. Again thank you so very much for all that you have done. I consistently tell people about you, sharing my experiences with trying to work directly with schools and the government to no avail for an effective college program for our kids. I share with everyone to start early, especially on the investment side. And to those who have entered in to the college grind without your assistance, I still recommend that they contact you immediately, as I have experienced, it’s never too late for your talents and expertise to help. There are so many ill informed people I don’t know what, that I feel bad for them after our enjoyable association. I am pleased, proud and without reservation to refer your services to anyone of my friends, family, business acquaintances or just anyone that I hear is stumbling along the path to college planning and funding. We wish you and your staff the best of in the future, as you have made our kids future very bright. Respectfully, (name withheld for confidentiality) |
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